The Mitchell Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in Illinois, USA with the singular mission of providing financial support to high school students from low-income families in Jamaica.  

The Foundation aims to identify high-achieving students from low-income families and provide financial assistance up to and including the full amount of their annual education-related expenses. By providing such financial assistance, the Foundation aims to promote and encourage upward social mobility through education, foster a culture of providing charitable support for education-related initiatives, and assist in alleviating the chronic under-attendance and underachievement of students in the Jamaican high school system. 

The Board of Directors and friends of the Foundation are driven by the belief that every child is entitled to a good education and no child should be left behind because of the financial circumstances into which they were born. 

Meet the Board of Directors

Mission: To provide charitable support for education-related expenses.

5% of kids aged 12-17 are not in school*

*Education Policy Data Center as of 2005


19.9% of the population is living below the poverty line


Although Jamaica is an upper-middle income country, it still struggles with low growth rates and high poverty. About 19.9% of the population is living on or less than USD $1.90 per day.  



Unlike in the United States, public high schools in Jamaica are not free. Beginning in 7th grade, enrollment and tuition can cost at least USD $1,500 per year. 

Gross enrollment rate for primary school (grades 1-6) stands at 96%. This ranks in the lower 18th percentile worldwide. The enrollment rate drops to 88% for secondary school (grades 7-11). Many parents simply cannot afford to send their children to high school. 





Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
The founding members, many of whom went to high school in Jamaica and witnessed many brilliant students fall behind because of financial hardship, decided to help alleviate the problem by forming the Foundation.
— Jayvan E. Mitchell, Founder & Chair

100% of Donations Fund Scholarships

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